Employee Engagement: Why it Matters Now More than Ever

colleagues high fiving during a work meeting


Employee Engagement: Why it Matters Now More than Ever

In recent years, employee engagement has become synonymous with employee experience. The reason for this shift is that employee engagement goes beyond just employee satisfaction and happiness in the workplace. It also includes an employee’s level of dedication and motivation to their work and overall success of the organization as a whole. And in today’s post-pandemic environment, it’s no longer just a buzzword, it matters more than ever. 

The focus on employee engagement has also increased as company culture evolves to be a more integral part of an employee’s journey with an organization – especially in hybrid and remote cultures. A strong employee engagement strategy not only improves retention rates and productivity, but it also attracts top talent to your company. 

Employee engagement should be a priority for any organization that wants to create a positive work environment and improve employee retention. There are many ways to improve employee engagement, but some of the most common key drivers include providing meaningful work, opportunities for growth, building trust in leadership, creating a positive work environment, and fostering hands-on management styles.  

By taking steps to improve employee engagement, organizations can create a positive work environment that benefits both employees and the organization as a whole.


Michael Taylor
Employee Engagement Engagement Culture

1. Develop Meaningful Work

One of the pillars of employee engagement is ensuring that employees have meaningful work. Employees want to feel a sense of purpose in their job and contribute towards the overall success of the organization. When employees are given tasks that align with their skills and interests, they are more likely to be motivated and engaged in their work. Implementing meaningful work can start at the hiring process by identifying candidates who not only have the necessary skills for a role, but also possess a passion or drive for the industry or company mission. 

It can also involve giving employees autonomy in their work and allowing them to take ownership of projects that they are interested in. In addition to increasing employee engagement, providing employees with meaningful work can also improve employee satisfaction and job performance. It is important for organizations to regularly assess employee interests and look for opportunities for them to pursue projects or tasks that align with those interests. 

Overall, employee engagement is crucial for creating a positive work environment and improving employee retention. Developing meaningful work is an important driver that should be prioritized and a critical component of employee retention. 

2. Provide Growth Opportunities

Another key driver of employee engagement is providing growth opportunities. Employees want to feel that they are constantly learning and developing new skills in their roles. It not only enhances employee satisfaction, but it also allows them to progress in their careers and contribute to the success of the organization.

One way to provide growth opportunities is through professional development initiatives such as training programs, mentorship programs, or employee rotation projects. These initiatives give employees the opportunity to enhance their skills and take on new challenges in their roles. Providing employees with a budget for professional development courses or conferences can also allow them to pursue interests outside of their current job responsibilities and bring fresh perspectives back into the workplace.

In addition to formal development programs, creating a culture where employee growth and development is valued is crucial for employee engagement. This can involve giving employees the opportunity to lead projects, offering stretch assignments, and providing regular performance feedback (formal and informal) that includes areas for improvement and career development goals. This can impact your brand when you have employees heavily involved in the project at hand.

Recognition plays a big role in growth and development as well. Recognizing and rewarding quality work not only shows appreciation for employee contributions but also gives them a sense of pride in their work and motivation to work towards new challenges or responsibilities.

Overall, providing growth opportunities for employees is essential in maintaining employee engagement and satisfaction. Organizations should prioritize implementing formal development programs as well as creating a culture that values employee growth and development.

3. Build Trust in Leadership

Trust in leadership is crucial for employee engagement as it fosters a positive work environment and employee satisfaction. Employees want to feel that they can trust their leaders to make decisions that align with the values and goals of the organization. It also allows employees to feel comfortable approaching their managers with concerns or ideas without fear of negative repercussions.

Building trust in leadership starts at the top with senior management setting a clear vision for the organization and effectively communicating it to all employees. Transparency in decision-making, open communication and fostering a culture where employee input is valued all contribute to building trust. This can take many shapes, including regular employee feedback surveys, hosting regular team meetings where employees can voice their opinions, and actively seeking employee input on important decisions.

Additionally, managers can build trust by consistently demonstrating integrity in their actions. This includes being fair and consistent in employee management, following through on commitments, and owning up to mistakes instead of shifting blame. Providing regular performance feedback and opportunities for employee development also shows employees that their leaders care about their growth and success.

Organizations should prioritize creating a clear vision and promoting transparency, valuing employee input, and fostering integrity among managers to effectively build trust among employees.

4. Create a Positive Work Environment

A positive work environment includes elements such as respectful communication, support from managers, recognition of employee contributions, and a sense of camaraderie among coworkers.

One important aspect of creating a positive work environment is fostering diversity, inclusion and belonging in the workplace. This can involve offering employee resource groups, mentorship programs, or hosting internal events that promote cultural awareness and understanding. It also involves recognizing unconscious biases and actively promoting equal opportunities for all employees.

It’s important to encourage employee communication and create a sense of camaraderie among coworkers, while allowing them to bring their authentic selves to work. 

Overall, organizations should prioritize creating a diverse and inclusive culture, offering employee support, recognizing contributions, and fostering employee communication to create a positive work environment and drive employee engagement.

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5. Hands-On Management

Management plays a crucial role in shaping the overall culture of a company. They set the tone and expectations for employee behavior, communication, and performance.

By promoting transparency and open communication within their team, management can create an environment where employees feel valued and trusted. Additionally, managers can provide opportunities for professional development and growth to foster a sense of purpose and meaning in employees’ work.

However, it’s also important for management to lead by example and demonstrate integrity in their actions. This includes setting clear goals and holding themselves accountable for their decisions. It also involves recognizing mistakes and actively addressing any issues that may arise within the team or organization as a whole.

Overall, effective management has the power to cultivate a positive company culture and create meaningful experiences for employees. However, they must also take responsibility for any dysfunction or disengagement within the team and work to address it effectively in order to make the necessary cultural changes.