After all the planning and executing that goes into an event, it is easy to forget about old content you produced. In reality, that content is still relevant long after it is created.
We don’t need to say it twice- repurposing content from your event is great outreach without having to create anything new. Not to mention, it’s an even better way to improve internal post-engagement.
The things is, not everyone knows how to repurpose content the right way.
The key is to make the content digestible, lasting, effective and insightful. That’s the difference between an employee skimming past your infographic and actually reading it.
When in doubt, just keep these words of wisdom in mind: you don’t want repurposing content to be a waste of your time. You want it to reinforce your brand message and have it leave an impact on your attendees.
6 Ways You can Repurpose your Event’s Content
It’s obvious. Infographics are a great way to give out important, useful information while keeping it visually appealing. To share these with your audience, you can post them on social media, email them, use them in eBooks, whatever works for you.
Take charts or graphs from presentations and make them into an infographic to provide useful content. You could also take the most valuable things said at an event and create quote infographics with those. These are sharp, easy to digest, and the visual aspect grabs your readers’ attention.
Social Media Accounts
By now you should have created separate social media accounts for your large, corporate event. Using them after is a beneficial way to repackage previous content. Photos, video highlights, even thank you to your employees are effective posts. They allow for those people to recall the best parts of the event and reflect on their experience.
Twitter is a great platform for posting statistics from the event. Instagram and Facebook are also great for posting infographics. It’s a good idea to continue to post relevant quotes, memories from the event, photos, and videos that will hype up the event for the coming year.
Highlight Video
Be sure to record every segment from your event when it happens. This way, you can reuse that content to create a highlight video that shines the event in the best light and reminds your employees of the experience they went through. You want the video to make others feel they missed out, which will have a lasting effect on them for next year’s event.
Blog Post
Write a blog post that recaps the event and lays out key takeaways. This means taking valuable information from presentations, breakout sessions, and everything in between. Making the blog post digestible, brief, and attractive to ensure your employees are getting the information they need to make their event experience better. After this blog post, post relevant content to your event on your blog continuously, to keep up site traffic.
Podcast Interview
Podcasts are becoming more popular each day and people prefer to listen to them over other methods. Podcasts are great to repurpose content in a refreshing way. This allows for employees to listen to an interview with a speaker from the event, gaining more insight and useful information they did not catch before. You could even create a podcast of attendee interviews, sharing their feedback and takeaways from the event. They will love to be in the limelight and see their own voices being heard.
Take the content from your event and turn it into a PDF. Transcripts of speakers, photos, interviews, infographics, and a Q&A section are all worthwhile to include. After the event when all the hype dies down, you can promote this eBook to spread the content to as many as possible and give your employees content they can refer to. This will help make sure your event has a long-lasting effect on attendees.
Avoid Different Sameness
When repurposing content, many run into the problem of repeating the same thing, just in a different outlet or platform. That information goes over the heads of their employees. Try not to reiterate the same thing that attendees have been hearing for a while now.
Use these ways to repackage content that is new and serves a different purpose than before. You want to repurpose content that will grab your attendee’s attention because it is novel. You can do this and still reinforce your brand message in a original way that sticks with your attendee.