Harnessing the Power of Live, Two-Way Video Communication

Two Way Video Communication


Harnessing the Power of Live, Two-Way Video Communication

Are you in need of developing the skills of your staff, engaging employees or tackling strategic business issues?

Accessing expertise via two-way video is increasingly a strategy of choice for enhancing performance. Two factors are behind the trend: changing workforce demographics and an increasing need for expertise to develop workforces and address key business issues.


Michael Taylor
Innovation Education

Are you in need of developing the skills of your staff, engaging employees or tackling strategic business issues?

Accessing expertise via two-way video is increasingly a strategy of choice for enhancing performance. Two factors are behind the trend: changing workforce demographics and an increasing need for expertise to develop workforces and address key business issues.

Ditching the Lecture

“Digital technology is second nature to students born between 1980 and 1994 who prefer video, audio, and interactive media,” says Dr. Jacqueline McLaughlin, founder of Penn State’s CHANCE program, which teams students with scientific researchers to create interactive, online training modules.

“Screencasting” technology even lets students comment on a video lecture or share their own video on the lecture timeline.

Effective training programs are adapting to better engage modern professionals and meet workforce demands. Long-winded textbooks and mind-numbing lectures are being replaced or augmented by interactive technologies and achieving greater learner engagement, accelerated learning and higher levels of knowledge retention.

Enhancing Live Experiences

In today’s world, it isn’t enough to just have an experiential platform. In fact, according to a recent Training Journal report, if you aren’t creating engagement at consistent intervals, you’re falling behind. And in order to achieve maximum productivity, companies must achieve maximum engagement.

“Performance management is evolving from an isolated HR-driven process to an intrinsic part of everyday business.”- Training Journal report

One strategy for enhancing engagement is bringing in outside speakers for company meetings and events. Thought leaders on motivation, culture change or innovation, for example, can galvanize teams around an organization’s top priorities.

While large organizations have always been able to fly in top experts and hundreds of employees for events, smaller organizations can now access those same, in-demand speakers more efficiently and at a fraction of the cost via two-way video.

Why This is Important

Sona Jepsen once said, “A time will come in your business’s life when you must relinquish control [and rely] on the expertise of others to get your company on track.”

Here’s when you need an outside perspective:

  • Your organization lacks expertise in a particular area
  • You’re having trouble implementing a strategic plan

Two-way video delivers the right expert to the main stage, boardroom or corner office at any time.

Geniecast is an online marketplace of thought leaders that connects your team with experts via live, two-way video to enhance your internal communications or professional development programs, engage attendees at your live events and foster more productive strategic discussions with employees.